Dynamic Shooting
Dynamic shooting is a new division to the Salmon Arm Fish and Game Club (SAFGC). This division was created to administer several competitive shooting disciplines such as the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), the International Defence Pistol Association (IDPA), and Cowboy Action Shooting. These shooting disciplines involve shooting of single action and double action handguns, 3-gun competitions, lever action rifles in handgun calibres, and shotguns and rifles.
Currently, the club is focusing on IPSC. Two club members are SAFGC directors and IPSC instructors. They offer and deliver IPSC Black Badge training classes at the clubhouse. Before you can compete, you must complete a Black Badge training course and participate in a “qualifier” competition. Once you have qualified you may participate in provincial competitions against other shooters from British Columbia and Western Canada.
Once directors for IDPA and Cowboy Action Shooting (single action shooting) are found, the SAFGC can establish these shooting disciplines in the club and organize some competitive shoots.